Prophet Ibrahim and origins of Hajj-Part 1



Prophet Ibrahim and origins of Hajj

The story starts with Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and he is also known as Abraham in the Bible. In Hebrew which is a Semitic like Arabic is 'aḇrāhām.


Location of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)


There is a thing to note about the following religions:

·                     Islam

·                     Judaism

·                     Christianity

·                     Hinduism.



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The second and fourth religions. Here we don’t talk about just a religion or people. It is two in one –religion and race. The concept is a certain race with a certain religion. This is what Hindutva preaches-one religion, race language, etc. The Islamic perspective on the above.


This was the case, revelation from the Almighty has been sent to certain communities and, races and time.


You can think of Windows NT, Windows XP… etc.


Never have We sent a Messenger but he has addressed his people in their language so that he may fully expound his Message to them.5 (And after the Message is expounded), Allah lets go astray whomsoever He wills and guides to the Right Way whomsoever He wills.6 He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

Surah Ibrahim: 4-Al Quran


This means if a prophet was sent to India, he would be named Krishna or Ram and not some Arab name.

The second question is: Were any prophets sent to India?

The Quran answers:

And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], "Worship Allāh and avoid āghūt." And among them were those whom Allāh guided, and among them were those upon whom error was [deservedly] decreed. So proceed [i.e., travel] through the earth and observe how was the end of the deniers.

Al Quran: 16-36



According to the above verse to every nation, a prophet or messenger was sent. A warner. But the nation does not mean boundaries of countries set up in modern times.  

The area of India was called Hind’ and one of the explanations is because of the Sindhu River.

There is another explanation:

Hind was the son of Ham son of Prophet Nuh (warned of the flood) Too many coincidences:

·         Nuh,Noah , Manu

·         Flood story

·         Ram, Ham

This is another topic raised in this earlier post on Prophet Nuh (pbuh).

There are ancient graves found in Punjab of holy men. Muslims claim them as prophets. 

Please note Islam did not start 1400 years ago, it started before the dawn of men.  The Law of the Almighty should be implemented and that is why He intended to send a Vicregent on Earth: Man.

The Quran;

And when said your Lord to the angels, "Indeed, I (am) going to place in the earth a vicegerent, they said, "Will You place in it (one) who will spread corruption in it and will shed [the] blood[s], while we, [we] glorify (You) with Your praises and we sanctify [to] You." He said, "Indeed, [I] know what not you know."

           Al Quran-2:30


We return to the story of Prophet Ibrahim.

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His location is the Ur of the Chaldees (according to many scholars).  The Chaldean Empire was neo neo-Babylonian Empire. The language spoken by Prophet Ibrahim was Aramaic. It was a language of the Chaldean Empire. Aramaic, Arabic, and Hebrew all belong to the Semitic languages family.


The Quran makes it clear:

Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he submitted in all uprightness1 and was not a polytheist.

Al Quran

The thing is people before the advent of Prophet Muhammad who believed in One Creator, Almighty, and followed His laws are Muslims.  The meaning of Islam is “to Surrender”.


The Quran gives a definition more clearly:


Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muammad ()] - those [among them] who believed in Allāh and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve1.


                                                                                Al Quran: 2:62


Anybody who believes in Almighty Alone can have a chance of getting paradise.  After the advent of Islam, people had to accept Islam and the prophet Muhammad as the last prophet. There were approximately 124,000 in total sent to mankind.

For queries about Islam clearing doubts.

 Pls, follow this Muslim Lantern.

Bro. Muhammad  Ali presents Islam in a nice way :


Prophet Ibrahim’s family.

His family were idol worshippers. His dad made idols and sold them. According to the Quran, his father’s name is Azaar.

Azar might be also a title. Ibn Kathir refers to the People of The Book (Christians and Jews’ Scriptures) and is named as Tarakh.

The Quran says on this matter:




“And (remember) when Ibrahim said to his father Azar: "Do you take idols as gods").

(Verily, I see you and your people...) who follow your path,

 (in manifest error) wandering in confusion unaware of where to go. Therefore, you are in disarray and ignorance, and this fact is clear to all those who have sound reason.

 Al Quran: 6:74-79


Readers, please note:

The Quran is the last revelation and reminds Muslims and readers of previous events in the past narrated in detail in Taurat (Taurat) and Injeel (Gospel).

In Islam the bits that are not in conflict with the Quran and Islam, we take from the previous books of people of the Books.

Ibn Kathir relates again:

“During his early childhood Abraham realized that his father made strange statues. One day, he asked him about what it was he made. His father replied that he made statues of gods. Abraham was astonished and he spontaneously rejected the idea. Being a child he played with such statues sitting on their backs as people sit on the backs of donkeys and mules.


One day his father saw him riding the statue of Mardukh and he became furious. He ordered his son not to play with it again.


Abraham asked: "What is this statue, father? It has big ears, bigger than ours."


His father answered: "It is Mardukh, the god of gods, son! These big ears show his deep knowledge."


This made Abraham laugh, he was only seven years old at that time.


Years passed and Abraham grew. Since his childhood his heart had been full of hatred for these idols. He could not understand how a sane person could make a statue and then worship what he had made. He noticed that these idols did not eat, drink or talk and they could not even turn themselves right side up if someone turned them upside down. How, then could people believe that such statues could harm or benefit them?”


 Book on Hajj.

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by Rageh Omar.

Understanding Basics of Islam.

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We can see the Prophet Ibrahim(Abraham)’s people worshipped Marduk and a pantheon of gods.

Most cultures wanted to Keep up with the Jones’:

·         The Hindus

·         The Egyptians

·         The Greeks

·         The Romans

·         The Pre-Islamic Arabs.

It is like my friend owns the latest brand of iPhone and so I have to have it. Be careful and tread carefully. This is why the Minimalist way is quite a safe approach.

This is also a reason (in my opinion) why the Holy Roman Empire implemented the idea of the Trinity.

It is like you cannot rule the masses if you cannot convince them king is related to the Divine somehow.  Nothing to do with people's choices. The same family rules for thousands of years. But this is another topic.

Marduk is an ancient deity of the city of Babylon. He had supposedly control over the Annunaki gods.   The Annunaki or “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came

In the Islamic perspective, Annuanki is jinns, made of fire who confused mankind.


How did the Annunaki know about events before the time of the Torah?

Good question.

The answer is given by Islam.  Everything that has happened or will happen is in the Lawhul Mahfuz or the Preserved Tablet, also mentioned as Mother of the Book.

The Quran mentions:

“In fact, this is a glorious Quran, recorded in a Preserved Tablet.

       85:21-22-Al Quran.

The Holy Quran is part of another book, the Lawhul Mahfuz or Preserved Tablet. The angels discuss the events and many times future events with one another. Ultimately the news is discussed in the first heaven. The jinns used to eavesdrop into the first heaven.

The Quran mentions about a group of jinns meeting with the Prophet Muhammad:

'And we have sought to reach the heaven; but found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires.

                  Al Quran-72:5..


The Jinns pass it to human magicians or soothsayers. Read earlier posts on the Jinns.(demons or spirits). This is how the Annunaki knew since they were the type of jinn.

Prophet Ibrahim (AS) had a nephew called Lut(AS). He was a prophet too and was sent to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Family Tree of Prophet Ibrahim

Here is a family tree of Prophet Ibrahim but this might be according to Ibn Kathir. He got information from People of the Book.

The next part is on the story of how prophet Ibrahim (AS) found the Almighty Allah.(the True Lord of the Universe). Also, we will look at the origins of Canaan and Syria.


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About Indica Collection

I like to cook delicious sorts of food.


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