"Unraveling the Mysteries of Mohenjo-Daro: Insights into an Ancient Civilization"
Mohenjo-Daro is city located in Sindh Province, Pakistan. It is about 5000 years old. The city was built around 2600 BC and existed till 1800 BC. The unique thing about this city it was so advance that it had a well-built sewage system. There are two cities Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro and referred to as Indus Valley Civilization. The city had 40,000 people according to Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History.
Meaning of and location Mohenjo daro
The meaning of the name is “Mound of the Dead”. The city is about 2-3 miles from Indus River and was somewhat protected in antiquity.
Architecture and Engineering
Both the cities were planned and 3 miles in radius. The cities were marvels of engineering. Most of the houses had small bathrooms and well provided sanitation and drains. We are talking about 5000 years ago. According to a local guide named Irshad Ali of the area:
"It was an urban center that had social, cultural, economic and religious linkages with Mesopotamia and Egypt”
The most surprising thing about the city was the fact it was more advanced than its contemporaries. The city has about 700 wells in addition to private baths. Toilets were found and sophisticated drainage system cleared the wastage. In words of Archeologist Uzma Z Rizvi, associate professor of professor at Brooklyn's Prat:
“It's a complexity at a level of a city that we would want to live in today” .The city was well organized and could rival cities in Indian subcontinent of the 1920s .One had to wonder in awe ,how these guys managed to make a city like this 5000 years ago? Another place that brings a shock to the beholder is of the Arabian Nabataeans who built houses out of mountains some 4000 years ago. The similarity between people from Mohenjo-Daro and Nabataeans is both had great engineering expertise and know how.
Worship and Religion
The tree worship was a major thing and has been depicted in most seals. The tree in the seal has been identified with pipal or fig tree.
Seals of Indus Valley Civilization:
The seals found in Mohenjo-Daro:
• Pashputi Seals
• Procession Seal
• Swastika Seals
The Priest King of Mohenjo-Daro
The most important sculpture is of a bearded elite man, who may be considered as a deity. The sculpture was considered to be similar to ones found in Sumer.
Harappan Script
The script is read from right to left and is pictorial.
The burial of the dead is seen in the Indus valley civilization, showing belief of an afterlife.
Food of Indus Valley People
The food they ate was mainly:
• Meat from cattle
• Chicken
• Deer
• Wild boar
• Vegetables
• Fruits
What happened to people of Indus Valley Civilization?
They suddenly vanished. Nobody knows what happened exactly to them. A city of 40,000 went or immigrated, nobody can say a thing about it. Some scholars say it was not instantaneous.
Radio activity in Mohenjo-Daro
According to David Davenport, the destruction in Mohenjo-Daro was due to catastrophic event, involving atomic war. Similar events of this magnitude happened elsewhere in Soddom and Gomorrah.
The Islamic Perspective
The companions of Rass is mentioned in the Quran as ‘Ashab ul Rass’’. Earlier scholars identified with Aras River in Azerbaijan. But another view of scholars are of Mohenjo-Daro. This comparison did not cross my mind few years ago.
Story of Companions or dwellers of Rass. (Well)
The meaning of Rass is wells. The Quran mentions:
“Denied before them (i.e., these pagans of Mecca who denied you, O Muhammad) the people of Noah, and the dwellers of Ar-Rass, and Thamud, and 'Ad, and Pharaoh, and the brethren of Lot, and the dwellers of the Wood, and the people of Tubba'; every one of them denied (their) Messengers, so My Threat took effect.”
The time was after Prophet Nuh (A) –Noah and before time of Prophet Musa (AS)-Moses.
The time for Prophet Musa is given as 1391 BC.
The people of Al Rass were living in a prosperous way and had kind hearted king. After his death, he was worshipped since people were fooled by the devil. Many people started worshipping him. A prophet was sent to them who forbade them from worshipping false deities and to guide them. They are supposed to have worshipped a pine tree and called it “King of Trees”. This tree was planted by Yafith (Japeth), son of Prophet Nuh (AS)-Noah (in bible) near a spring. The prophet was killed by throwing him in a well. The Almighty sends destruction on the people.
According to Ibn Jarir has cited Ibn Abbas (RA) as saying that Companions of the Well were from one of the villages of Thamud. The Thamud (Nabetaens) were skilled builders such that they built their homes by carving them into mountains. It is well established that people of Rass were much before People of Ad’.
A comparison between Mohenjo-Daro and Companions of Rass
The People of Rass :
1. Had a kind hearted King
2. Worshipped trees
3. Had spring and river nearby
4. Wells were many with People of Rass.
5. Before Ad’ People (Iram of the Pillars), that is some 4500 years ago.
6. Woman practiced lesbianism.
7. Belonged to one of the villages of Thamud.
8. Most probably Semitic people.
9. Before Mesopotamian Civilization
Mohenjo-Daro and Indus valley civilization
1. There is a statue of an elite person named as Priest King, who might be worshipped
2. Worshipped trees: Fig tree.
3. Has about 700 wells.
4. Around 5000 years. Lasted till 1800BC. Just 500 years before Prophet Musa (As)-Moses.
5. A great city with architecture and amenities rivalling early 20 century cities.
6. Script is from Right to left like Semitic languages.
7. Lower Town
Surah Yasin People
We recall the people in story of Surah Yasin who did not accept the message of Almighty Allah.
The Quran says:
“And present to them an example: the people of the Town, when the messengers came to it “- Surah Yasin (36:13)
Here Quran talks about the City, note it talked about long time ago.
“And there came from the farthest end of the city a man, running. He said, “O my people, follow the messengers.”
We know in case Mohenjo-Daro city, it was spectacular city and had a part called Lower Town.
We have opinion that the Surah Yasin city may refer to Companions of the Well.
• The Companions of the Well (Ashab ul Rass) were after Prophet Nuh’s time.
• Surah Yasin states:
“And a sign for them is that We carried their forefathers in a laden ship.”- (36:41, Surah Yasin).
Fore fathers means ancestors are may be talking about few generations ago. The Companions of the Well were closest to Prophet Nuh (AS)’s flood.
• The City is mentioned in surah Yasin as ‘Madinah’
• Also mentioned as farthest or outskirts of the City.
This is just a speculation or thought. It might be just a wild guess on our part.
(reprinted from indicacollection.com)
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