The Mystery of the Jinns and Magnificent Buildings-Part 3


The Mystery of the Jinns and Magnificent Buildings-Part 3


People look in awe and wonder at the magnificent buildings of the:

·         Pyramids- Egypt.

·         Nan Madol-Federal state of Micronesia.  Supposed to be built by two Wizards who used a dragon. They wanted to build for a god of agriculture -Nahnisohn Sahpw

·         Teotihuacan

·         Masjid Al-Jinn

·         Pyramid-like structure in Antarctica.


Before going further pls read earlier posts on this subject in order:

1.     Part 1

2.      Part 2


As a young kid, never wondered about Pyramids. Now it is a good question who built those structures? Hmm Egyptians.

Who built the Pyramids of Egypt?

According to Al Masudi, Surid Ben Shaluk Ben Sermuni Ben Termidun Ben Tedresan Ben Sal built it before the floods.

The whole question is discussed in Jason Colavito’s blog. Jason Colavito’sblog. We are not going further into the question since it is a chapter by itself. The thing is spirits were guarding the Pyramids.(according to some sources)

Some of the amazing things about Pyramid:

·         The Exact coordinates of the Giza Pyramid is 29.9792458°N.  That is the exact speed at which light travels: 299,792,458 meters per second!

·         They were built with excellent precision.

·         Inside of Pyramids remain constant at 20 Degrees centigrade!  These pyramids are supposed to be built 12,000 years ago right?  Technology then,…wow!

·         Warnings are given for trespassers.

·         Tourists and researchers often speak of an overwhelming sense of awe, and some report feeling watched or not alone when exploring the ancient structures.”

·         ‘’ Unexplained sounds, such as echoes in empty chambers and corridors, add to the unsettling atmosphere of the pyramids.”

·         “There are accounts of electronic devices malfunctioning or losing power in and around pyramid sites, which some attribute to an unknown energy field.


We can conclude the Jinns might have assisted in building or were surely assisting in guarding them.”




The Pharaohs of Egypt ruled so many years since it might have been they worshipped the Jinns.  In return, the jiins granted the Pharaohs to rule their people. It is the same with the Annunaki.  They might have given technology to the Sumerians and knowledge and in exchange the Sumerians worshipped the Annunaki (might be)

           The Quran :

            They will say, "Exalted, are You! You, [O Allah], are our benefactor, not them. Rather, they used to worship the jinn; most of them were believers in them."

             Al Quran (34:41).


Most pagan civilizations worshipped Jinn in some ways.

For example:

·         The Inca

·         Aztecs


They had in common:

·         Magnificent pyramids in the middle of jungles

·         Human sacrifice

·         marriage within family(forbidden)

They too worshipped idols, and gods’’ were jinns with names.

The jinn are all around us in our homes and the world. However, they were pushed back after the Jinn War Jinn War to the mountains and seas.

Similarly, Hindus also believe their gods’ residence is Mount Kailash. They have a civilization going thousands of years, in fact might be worshipping jiins or spirits. Since these gods’’ can come to Earth in human forms.

Hindu readers –read with a logical mind.

The Hindu Gods(later on)

·         can come to Earth in any forms.

·         Has sometimes many heads and hands.

·         Ravan (a demon according to Hindus) had great power and snatched away Sita.  She was told not to cross a certain boundary by Sri Ram. He read some mantras or spells.

This is similar to Muslims in that we read Aytaul Qursi and the reciter is protected (from jinns, and spirits) for a day. Same we Muslims read Surah Falaq, to protect against black magic and jealousy. These things exist, really man.

The world belongs to the Almighty, so rulers are being replaced by comparatively more righteous.  The Spaniards might have done many injustices but ultimately removed the Pagan, jinn-worshiping civilization. Also, most of the population might not even know about who they are worshipping except the priests.

The world before the creation of man was inhabited by the jinn and hence the magnificent buildings, especially in the middle of nowhere.



The Power of Ayatul Qursi (Verse of the Throne)

 The verse of the Throne known as Ayatul Qursi helps protect against evil jinns and demons. The verse is very powerful and gives protection from the Almighty for a day to the reciter.

A person recites Ayatul Qursi before going to sleep, then an angel is sent by Allah to protect the reciter. (The reciter should have belief, be a Muslim). The recitation of Ayatul Qursi should be in Arabic.  Think like this, if you issue a command on a smartphone it has to be in English.

Who is Allah?

We should know who Allah is.  Many people unknowingly make fun. They think the Almighty Lord belongs to a certain community, race, or region. He is above all this since He has created:

·         Humans

·         race

·         community

Justice is for all. The Almighty has created all living things.  People think the Almighty belongs to a certain community since the book is revealed in their language. The Almighty has sent a messenger to every nation. This means real nations and not artificial ones built by the name of the country.


And We sent amongst every community a messenger saying: serve Allah and shun the idols. Then amongst them are those whom Allah guides and among them are those for whom error comes true, so travel on the earth, then see what the outcome was like for the deniers.

                   Al Quran-16:36

The names of Allah:

·         The Almighty

·         The Originator

·         The Preserver

·         The Avenger

·         The Magnificent


Allah, or what Hindus call Brahman. Allah is genderless and is not male or female. He does not have any form though has attributes.

Who is Allah

We try to understand who Allah is. We can never imagine Him. It is like this inside the computer chips, motherboard residents trying to guess what their creator (human) is like. An imaginary logic to prove a point.

Here is an understanding of the Almighty Allah:

Say we have a ring and place it in the Sahara Desert.

What is the size of of ring compared to the Sahara Desert, nothing.

There are 200 billion stars in the galaxy (Milky Way). Our Sun is just one of them. The planet Earth is much smaller in size than the Sun. A galaxy like ours contains 3916 Solar systems. 

How many Galaxies are there?

According to Mario Livio an astrophysicist, the range is from 100-200 billion galaxies in the universe.


Let's present the facts in a simpler way:

·         planet Earth

·         Solar System

·         Galaxy

·         Universe

This is all in the first Heaven.  There are Seven Heavens and the distance between each heaven would take a journey of 500 years by humans. This information was given by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 1400 years ago. But this is not the subject of the post.


The Kursi of Allah

The Seven Heavens in comparison to the Kursi of Allah is like the ring to the Sahara Desert. There is water after the seven heavens and the distance is 500 years. At what speed we don’t know.

And above the water is the Throne of Allah.   The Kursi compared to the Throne is again like ring to the Desert. The Kusri is like the ring and the Throne is the Desert, just for comparison.  After the Throne, there are 70,000 veils of Light and there is Allah. (According to Islamic sources).

Since He is the Creator, all forces of nature are under His command.

Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the [great] ships which sail through the sea with that which benefits people, and what Allāh has sent down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and dispersing therein every [kind of] moving creature, and [His] directing of the winds and the clouds controlled between the heaven and earth are signs for a people who use reason.”

                Al Quran


The term light-year was found in 1838 by   Frederich Bessel but Islam gave a hint several centuries ago. That too by a prophet who was illiterate. Prophet Muhammad was an illiterate man.


The Jinns could travel until the first heaven to steal a hearing. This stopped with the advent of Islam.


The Secret of the Annunaki

 The Sumerians and Akkadians worshipped some alien gods’. This is a mystery and many stories of the Torah and Quran are already there with the Sumerians. How?

The Annunaki according to Sumerian mythology:

The Annunaki are supposed to come from a distant planet Niburu and big story short they created human beings for their benefit and extracting gold.

There are Annunaki realms in Baalbek ruins that lead to their world.   They also have “Ulemas” or scholars.

They are the jinn and they are master at deception.  The Annunaki represent themselves as a group of creators and Allah the Almighty was one of their kind.

So who are the Annunaki?

They are a kind of Jinn.  This is a tale made by them and this probably happened after the death of Prophet Idris( AS) who was known as Hermes Trismegistus, meaning Hermes “Thrice Great” to the Greeks.

Prophet Idris(AS) or Enoch (in the Bible) was credited with writing with a pen according to Islamic Hadith.


The Quran says:

If there were therein gods beside Allah, then verily both (the heavens and the earth) had been disordered. Glorified be Allah, the Lord of the Throne, from all that they ascribe (unto Him ).

            20:22-Al Quran




Also, Quran Says:



1. Say (O Muhammad ( )): "He is Allah, (the) One.

2. "Allah-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks).

3. "He begets not, nor was He begotten;

4. "And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him."

Surah Iklas: Quran


So both Surahs (chapters)  we see the Quran tell us that:

·         The Almighty is One

·         If there were more than one Architect of the Universe or God’ then there would be chaos.

·         None Like Him is no siblings, children, or Parents.

The Annunaki fail here since Almighty has no siblings or family and there none like Him.

The above channel has all jiin stories of Middle East.Middle East.

 Here is a link of a recent event of Annunaki. Annunaki.

City of Baalbeck-

This city was of the Phoenicians and originates to 9000 BC which is 11000+ years approximately. 

The city is located in Lebanon and is home of the Canaanites who worshipped the Sun god’ –Baal.





The Quran mentions:

Do you call upon the idol of Ba’l and abandon the Best of Creators----


Allah, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers?”

Al Quran: 37:125-126

A recent French guy ventures with Annunaki scholars to deep underground inside the world of jinns . He mentions they can move tons of blocks easily in mid-air.

All the idol worshipping religions are indirectly worshipping the Jinns and this is why the idol gods’ depict real people with animal heads.

This is because jinns can shapeshift which is not easy for them according to a Muslim Jinn’s discussion.

The Westerner (non-Muslim) would find it hard to believe such stories but we Muslims are talking real stuff here.

The various creatures:

·         elves

·         fairies

·         ghosts

are all a type of jinn.  Jinn’s are from various tribes and they can be summoned. Like humans, they are both good and evil. They can choose to be good or evil. The evil ones are called demons and devils.

Satan or Iblis was one other jinn which is why he rebelled. Angels cannot choose to disobey. The was a great war for the end rule of Jinns on earth (before the creation of man)

The Almighty expressed His will to create Humans and it is mentioned in the Quran:


And when said your Lord to the angels, "Indeed, I (am) going to place in the earth a vicegerent, they said, "Will You place in it (one) who will spread corruption in it and will shed [the] blood[s], while we, [we] glorify (You) with Your praises and we sanctify [to] You." He said, "Indeed, [I] know what not you know."

                 Al Quran -2:30


The above gives a clue to the existence of other creatures before the creation of humans. Do not take my word for it though.

The exact word for vicegerent is Khaliah or Caliph.  That means there was the previous vicegerent sent before humans.  Angels do not have knowledge unless it was specifically told or previous events.

But this is another topic. The fallen angels’ concept does not exist in Islam since Angels cannot act except without His command.

The Fallen Angels and Watchers are all jinn to my understanding.

Both the above concepts belong to Christianity.

O ye Children of Adam! Let not Satan seduce you, in the same manner as He got your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their raiment, to expose their shame: for he and his tribe watch you from a position where ye cannot see them: We made the evil ones friends (only) to those without faith.

            Al Quran- 7:27


So here it is seen that Satan and his tribe of devils are the watchers and they are of the jinn.

There are numerous cities underground with great cities in them and mostly made by the jinns. The Quran mentions that they are magnificent builders. That is their buildings are perfectly made.

The Lodging and Food of Jinns.

Where do jinns live?

They live in the following:

·         Underground

·         Deserts

·         grave yards

·         under water

·         holes

This why as Muslims we are advised to say Bismillah her Rahman er Rahim when pouring hot water into holes.

This means in English:

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful


Many non-muslims and some Muslims why at srt of every event this verse is recited. For this, a person has to have spiritual and philosophical knowledge if he is not a Muslim.

In the above example, if hot is poured then a jinn might be hurt or die and he is going to be angry resulting in a vendetta to the person for the rest of his life or generations after him.  There si something called generational curses that runs for generations which is either a vendetta of jinn or somebody placed a spell.

In Islam, we are given security measures:

·         Ayatul Qursi. Verse of the throne. Say a situation a group of Annunaki chasing then this verse alone would suffice. This happened (I think) according to a website where US soldiers were chased.

·         Surah Ikhlas

·         Surah Falaq

·         Surah Nas



No matter how big is group of Jiinns the Ayatul Qursi can make them go away provided it is recited in Arabic with correct pronunciations. In Arabic incorrect pronunciations can cause the whole sentence to have the opposite meaning.


Food of the Jinns:

·         Bones or food - which humans throw away after eating. This is why graveyards have reports of jinn around them.

If one says Bismillah er Rahman er Rahim, after eating then the leftovers are for the Muslim jinns.                                                                                      Otherwise, this leftover food will be eaten by the non-Muslim jinns and demons.


The hadith mentions this:

That once he was in the company of the Prophet (pbuh) carrying a water pot for his ablution and for cleaning his private parts. While he was following him carrying it (i.e. the pot), the Prophet () said, "Who is this?" He said, "I am Abu Huraira." The Prophet () said, "Bring me stones to clean my private parts, and do not bring any bones or animal dung." Abu Huraira went on narrating: So I brought some stones, carrying them in the corner of my robe till I put them by his side and went away. When he finished, I walked with him and asked, "What about the bone and the animal dung?" He said, "They are of the food of Jinns. The delegate of Jinns of (the city of) Nasibin came to me--and how nice those Jinns were--and asked me for the remains of the human food. I invoked Allah for them that they would never pass by a bone or animal dung but find food on them."


 Sahih Al Bukhari(Hadith)


Book 63, Hadith 85

The recitation is done in Arabic since it works like voice commands. When giving voice commands in Smartphones in English -the Designer designed it that way.


Jinns in other cultures

In other cultures, jinns are known as:

·         Bhoot’’

·         Ghost

·         Fairy

·         Goblins


The architecture of the Jinns

The Quran mentions:

“And [also] the devils [of jinn] - every builder and diver.”

Surah Sad(37)-Holy Quran.

“They made for him what he willed of elevated chambers, statues, bowls like reservoirs, and stationary kettles. [We said], "Work, O family of David, in gratitude." And few of My servants are grateful”


Surah Saba(13)-Holy Quran.


Jinns can make magnificent buildings in a very short time. Few days or less.

This is why structures are found under the sea, in Antarctica, jungles, and built with perfection and magnificence.

For example, a village in Laynah which is located in Saudi Arabia has wells built by the jinns(spirits) who serve under Prophet Suliman(As) , son of Prophet Dawood (AS). In the Bible is known as Prophets Solomon and David.


We would have a few more parts of this topic before the subject is complete.



About Indica Collection

I like to cook delicious sorts of food.


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