Ummayds Empire Origins -Part 1


                                 The Ummayads

Ummayad Empire reign-661 CE-750 CE

The Ummayds took over the Sultanate after Muwayiah(RA), when it was passed to his son Yazid  I. We will not go to the details of this ruler who did many injustices as this is not the subject. We want to know who are the Ummayds and their relation to the Quraysh.

Quraysh was descended from Adnan.

We go to the root. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) had two sons and they are Ismail (AS) and Ishaq(AS).

For non-Muslim readers:


OT Equivalent
















Alaihu Salam’-Peace be upon him (In Arabic-Islam)



Prophet Ismail (AS) had twelve sons (according to the Islamic perspective). Except for two all others died.

The two are:

1.      Nabat

2.      Qedar

Nabet‘s descendants were the Nabateans, guess the last part, the suffix was added by historians. I always wondered the origin of the name. They were known for a flourishing great civilization which will be discussed later.

Now Qedar had a son called Adnan and his son Maa’d.  Adnan was the 21st grandfather of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

We are not going in exact genealogy. To make it shorter Maad’ descendant was Fahr bin Malik ibn Kinana who was known as Quraysh.

The Quran says and we Muslims as kids have read many times:

                   Surah Quraysh

1. (It is a great Grace and Protection from Allah), for the taming of the Quraysh


2. (And with all those Allah's Grace and Protections for their taming, We cause) the (Quraysh) caravans to set forth safe in winter (to the south), and in summer (to the north without any fear),


3. So let them worship (Allah) the Lord of this House (the Ka'bah in Makkah).


4. (He) Who has fed them against hunger, and has made them safe from fear.


The superiority of the Quraysh for Muslims can be seen from the fact their name is in the Quran.


Sons of Quraysh

Now grandson of Quraysh had two sons:



Umayyad genealogy

Figure 1partial genealogy of Banu Hashim


Umayyah’s grandson was Abu Sufyan(RA).   The rivalry existed at the of Hashim since Abd Shams were envious of the fact Hashim got rights of Kaaba at Makkah and supported what is right and just.  Uthman bin Affan(RA) comes from the family of Ummyah. His father Affan was the paternal 1st cousin of Abu Sufyian.


Abu Jahl was from the Banu Makhzum tribe and paternal uncle of Khalid bin Walid. He presented a lot of opposition and hate towards the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Hazrat Muwiyah accepts Islam

After the Hudibiya treaty, Muwiyah(RA) accepted Islam but it was kept secret until the conquest of Makkah. He was the son of Abu Sufyan who converted to Islam just before the fall of Makkah. But Muslims should not get into historical controversies about the Sahaba or companions of the Prophet.


Muwiyah I (RA)

After several civil wars and controversies, he becomes absolute ruler with a financial settlement with Hasan, son of Ali(RA) and grandson of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).

He was the first Umayyad ruler and became Caliph after the demise of Ali(RA).

Achievements of Muwiyah(RA):

·         Pioneer of civilization and urban development

·         Establishment of Arab courts and law bureaus.

·         Founder of Majlis’, the court in traditional Muslim governance

·         The first postal system

·         The first Arab naval wars

·         Was the first to establish the first agency in the Muslim world for managing correspondence.

·         First project for codifying Arab culture and preserving memory.

·         Ordered his servants to write down all dialogues and accounts that happened in his majlis. Hence the book: "The Book of the Kings and the News of the Past Generations" by Al Jarhami.





After the passing away of Khalifa Rashidun’ or righteously guided Caliphs one name comes is of Caliph Umar II as righteous. He was the grandson of the second Caliph of Islam Umar I. (maternal grandfather). The complete name is Umar bin Abdul Aziz.


We will continue this series since it is long. Subscribe to our blog for interesting Muslima and Asian culture.









About Indica Collection

I like to cook delicious sorts of food.


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