If you don't know what Desi means,it means you are not acquainted with IBP people.Don't get alarmed it is no big organization.Well on the other hand it is big' but not sure about the organization part.
IBP a term coined by Indica Collection which has a website:www.indicacollection.com
But this post will not go on about story of Indica Collection.
Rather a part or sub brand of Indica Collection.
That is Beebaho.com
IBP is an acronym for India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Time is short so we need things fast as we lack time.
This is how modern society has become.
There are times when you are in a hurry to get married.That is the groom coming to marry in Desi land with a month of #holiday and he might be left with a week to concentrate on wedding related #Services.
Quality wedding vendors he or she might miss out on since she or he is :
- Pre occupied with marriage thoughts and preparation
- Lack of time.
- Not knowing service providers.
This is why Beebaho.com came into being.
Quality wedding service providers in on place.
So whether you are a wedding vendor in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
As long you think you are giving quality & dedicated services.
CONTACT Beebaho.com by emailing : beebahobd@gmail.com
Or message us in Facebook :fb.com/beebaho.
The exception we make is for the two countries:
- Turkey
- Persia.
Vendors from both countries are welcome.
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