The Jinn in Islam Part-1

The Jinn in Islam -Indica Collection

Origins of Jinn


The Jinn were created from fire according to Islam. Most civilizations of the earth know them by some name. The following names are very common:

·         Ghost

·         Bhoot’

·         Pari-Fairy

·         Ghoul

·         Demon.


But who are they. They belong to the same race. The race known to the world of Islam as Jinn. This race was masters of earth and created approximately 2000 years before creation of Mankind or Insan. The Scientific name is Homo sapiens. The Jinn were supposed to have replaced the Hinns and Binns who

roamed around the Earth. Science tells us that there were pre adamites who existed before man came into this world. The Bible does not believe so.

The post is written in the Islamic perspective. What does Islam think on Jinn (Ghosts, fairies,Bhoot’,etc) and Aliens.


                                                                          Above Ayah(verse) says that we are not the only preferred creation but one amongst many.

The stance of Islam is as follows that is:

.Jinns do exist and are another type of creation made of fire. Secondly there is possibility of existence of aliens but whether they visit us with UFOs is another question. I have wondered this question since a child. That was after reading Charles Berlitz Bermuda Triangle and Great Mysteries. In the Quran, Surah Isra mentions we are not alone.

The origin of the Jinns

The root word of the word jinn means hidden from sight. They are hidden from sight of humans. Some animals like donkeys and dogs can see them.

The Quran mentions

And the Jinn We created before that (the creation of man) from blasts of fire (naris-samum).

The word naris samum is a fire

 To be continued.

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About Indica Collection

I like to cook delicious sorts of food.


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