Our Story


Indica Collection is derived from the name given to the book Indica by  Megasthenes ambassador of Selecus to India’s Emperor Chandra Gupta Maurya.                                   

  Indica Collection started in the hostel of IIT Kanpur, India in 2004 while on a visit there by the founder. It started with the thought of having a site where traditional items from the IBP region (India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan) can be presented. The term IBP is coined by Indica Collection itself for India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.  Initially, the name thought was Vanga.com after the empire of Gangaridai from Vanga (the old name of Bengal), the only empire that could withstand and repel the attack of Alexander the Great in 326 BCE.But later thought this name could not represent the whole of the IBP region as Vanga was the old name of Bengal. 

The name that would represent the whole of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan was Indica, a name given by Megasthenes. It was felt a brand should represent the traditional heritage of the IBP region and hence the name Indica Collection came into being.