The Mystery of Jinns and UFOs-Part 2


The mystery of the Jinns - part 2

We already have discussed before in our blog:

The Jinns were created before human beings.  They were made of fire. It is not just fire but a special kind. The Shaitan or Satan belonged to the jinns.                          About the Jinns, the Quran mentions:

When We said to the angels, ‘Prostrate before Adam,’ they prostrated, but not Iblis. He was one of the jinn, so he transgressed against his Lord’s command. Will you then take him and his offspring for guardians in My stead, though they are your enemies? How evil a substitute for the wrongdoers! 


The name of Satan in Islam is Iblis and actually, he was very righteous who at first worshipped the Almighty Allah but ultimately due to his pride, he disobeyed the order Of Allah due to his pride. Jann is supposed to have been the ancestor of the jinn.

The Jann inhabited the Earth before Adam (pbuh) and their king was Jann ibn Jann. 

Characteristics of the Jinn

The Jinn were made of scorching fire and very fiery along with high alarming speeds.

Some other features:

·         Invisible to human eyes but visible to animals like cats, dog, donkeys, etc.

·         Shape shifting-human, animals likes snakes , cats,etc

·         Intelligent, and has free will like humans

·         Can read thoughts of humans and mimic human speech

·         Have long lives upto 7000 years(rare)

·         Made of fire.





Surely We brought man into being out of dry ringing clay which was wrought from black mud.

And the jinn We created before from scorching fire.

                  (15:26-27----Holy Quran)

The Superiority feeling of the Jinns

The source of all racism begin with Iblis(or Satan ,known as Lucifer). He was asked by the Almighty why he refused to bow to the first man Adam(As). In the Quran it is detailed:

And ˹remember˺ when We said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam,” so they all did—but not Iblîs,2 who refused and acted arrogantly,3 becoming unfaithful.

                   2:34- Holy Quran

Allah asked, “What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?” He replied, “I am better than he is: You created me from fire and him from clay.

                 (7:12-Holy Quran)


Now this spread amongs humans. Some of them are superior to others because of color or other reason. The Quran is clear and says the following:

          "It is He Who hath produced you from a single soul: here is a place of sojourn and a place of departure: We detail Our signs for people who understand."

The jinns and some humans intermarried and hybrid result might have been blue blood.

This blue blooded’ humans hybrids ruled over other humans for centuries. Remember David Icke about royal family and his theories for which he was removed from YouTube. It makes you wonder.






A true story about ghosts in India

This was related by an older relative about thirty years ago.  In a village in India, this Muslim cleric used to wake the Muslim villagers from sleep to take sehri (morning food before fasting).

This cleric passes by a graveyard and sees a snake. He naturally raises his cane to hit the snake but the snake rises and still he raises more and still snake becomes taller! Then the cleric realized it was not a snake. It is a jinn (spirit).

Afterward, the cleric recites a Quranic verse or dua and the snake leaves. David Icke mentioned about reptile shapeshifters and his description matches the jinn.

The kinds of Jinns

The general types of Jinns are of various kinds:


·         Ghoul-They are cannibalistic shape-shifting, blood-drinking creatures that feed on human flesh. Something like the movies. Their said to be demons’ of the jinns. They are terrifying female creatures from whom the jinn are afraid. So don’t go walking in the desert alone… Read more about ghouls.

·         Marid-They are mighty with free will but sometimes magicians use them or take their services.

·         Ifrit-They are winged creatures of fire living in underground cities.


The speed of Jinns

In the Quran, Prophet Sulayaman pbuh - (Solomon) tells his staff to bring the throne of Bilqis from Yemen. The queen is better known as the Queen of Sheba. The distance from Jerusalem to Marib’ is 1295 miles.

One of the jinns from the Ifrit said he could bring it before the King got up from his throne. Say 20 minutes. In that case, the speed would be 0.34 hours. Calculating would be 2084.1 km we get 6129 km/hour.! That is Mach 6.

But eventually, the person of knowledge pledged to bring before the blink of an eye. That is 0.15 seconds, 0.0042 hours. Calculating B would be:

496,214.285 km/hour!! This is equal to 419 Mach.

The Quran:

Solomon asked, “O chiefs! Which of you can bring me her throne before they come to me in full submission?” (Surah Naml: 38)

Said a ´Ifrit, of the Jinns: "I will bring it to thee before thou rise from thy council: indeed I have full strength for the purpose and may be trusted."(Surah Naml: 39)


In the hadith, we are told that the distance from one heaven to another is 500 years. If we calculate distance hypothetically.

Distance of 1st heaven (just a theory)

Assuming we take 500,000 kilometers per hour as the speed. It might be more. So the distance would be 500,000 KM/hr times 4.38e+6 hours. That would be 3000011.96 KM or 3 million kilometers

.This Allah knows best.


The Bermuda Triangle and Jinns

Lot of ships and planes got disappeared there according to many authors. Charles Berlitz popularized this topic in his book a few decades ago. We have covered briefly on his book in our earlier post.

Do the Jinns live in the Bermuda Triangle?

According to sources jinns reside there who follow Iblis. (Or Satan’) .

The hadith says following:

“The throne of iblis (Lucifer) is on water then he (Lucifer) sends (out) his operatives to charm, to fascinate, to captivate people, the greatest (most prominent) to him is the most captivating (mesmerizing, magnetizing/ absorbing/ bewitching).”

 #5031   -Sahih Muslim

In 1492, Christopher Columbus went to the New World to find India and instead found America. But that’s a different story. The mysterious things he saw are supposed to be written by a man named Bartolome de las Casas.  We don’t have direct statements for Columbus. In the 1530s the man las Casas wrote about the incident of Columbus’ fire incident Dario of Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America.

"They sailed that day and night 27 leagues and a few more on their route west. And on this night, at the beginning of it, they saw a marvelous branch of fire fall from the sky into the sea, distant from them four or five leagues."

So most experts would be wondering what it was. Scholars at that time assumed it was meteors falling. That was the best guess then. This happened in the region of Bermuda.

The Islamic explanation of what Columbus might have seen.

The jinns can travel at exceedingly high speeds like MACH 6 and are used to get information from the heavens. There are seven heavens and what the Almighty says about an individual to the angels is repeated in all heavens until it comes to the 1st heaven.

The Jinns used to go to hear what was said in the 1st heaven. This is how fortune tellers or Sooth Sayers work. These fortune-telling guys call upon a jinn and tell to find out certain information about any mortal or event. A similar way to how Nostradamus might have known about future events.

But after the Quran was revealed there were restrictions of jinn going up to heaven.



The Quran says in Surah Jinn

Earlier˺ we tried to reach heaven for news, only to find it filled with stern guards and shooting

.                72:8 Surah Jinn:Al Quran


We used to take up positions there for eavesdropping, but whoever dares eavesdrop now will find a flare lying in wait for them.

72:9 --Surah Jinn:Al Quran


Before we go on like humans Jinns are good and bad, but the bad is in the majority.

“Among us are those who are righteous and those who are less so. We have been of different faction”


And we have, (from of old), adorned the lowest heaven with Lamps, and We have made such (Lamps) (as) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones, and have prepared for them the Penalty of the Blazing Fire.


                                                                  Surah Mulk (67:5-Al Quran)



The Quran goes on further in Surah Saffat

6.“Indeed, We have adorned the lowest heaven with the stars for decoration

7. “and ˹for˺ protection from every rebellious devil.”

8.. “They cannot listen to the highest assembly ˹of angels˺ for they are pelted from every side”

9.“˹fiercely˺ driven away. And they will suffer an everlasting torment.”

10.” But whoever manages to stealthily eavesdrop is ˹instantly˺ pursued by a piercing flare.”


The above verses say that the heavens are protected against demons or jinns who want to gather information from heaven. Some are able to steal but they are thrown some kind of flame and thus fall into the earth with injuries and succumb to them.  The jinns while dying give information to sooth Sayers mixed with lies.


Muslims are forbidden by Islam to go to Sooth Sayers since knowledge of the future belongs to Allah alone. In Arabic Sooth Sayers are called Kahin.


Hadith says about Sooth Saying:






Some people asked the Messenger of Allah () about soothsayers. He () said, "They are of no account." Upon this, they said to him, "O Messenger of Allah! But they sometimes make true predictions." Thereupon the Messenger of Allah () said, "That is a word pertaining to truth which a jinn snatches (from the angels) and whispers into the ears of his friend (the soothsayers) who will then mix more than a hundred lies with it."


 “Whoever comes to a fortune-teller and believes in that which he says then he has disbelieved in that which was revealed to Muhammad (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam).” 



We continue with the Bermuda Triangle mystery:

About 15 years ago I read an excerpt of an interview with Jinn Ibn Kanjur   and a Muslim cleric called Isa Dawood. The name of Ibn Kanjur is used here in this interview but do not know if it is real.

Some of the information summarized

 from the interview:

·         Jinns such as Marid can live inside women.

·         The jinn runs like electricity inside the human it possesses.

·          Bermuda Triangle is the headquarters of Iblis(Satan) .

·         Jinns can live for thousands of years, to a maximum of 7000 years.

·         They live underwater and their cities there but they live everywhere.


The interview is very long and not complete can be found. It is in the form of a book.

Src 1


Evidence around the Bermuda Triangle and others.


The ruins of a 12,000-year-old pyramid have been found similar in structure to those of Gaza. I mean with all the mystery around Bermuda and then you have a pyramid under the water. The Jinns might have assisted in building the Pyramids of Giza. One assumption (personal) is the confidence and certainty the Pharaoh spoke might have been because he had the power of the jinns behind him. Secondly, the concept of royal or blue blood should be investigated with r

eference to DNA.  The contempt and pride Satan had when he disobeyed the Almighty in not bowing to the Prophet Adam (AS) is seen among some people for another. The Dalits of India for example.

Pls watch Article 15, an Indian movie on racism towards scheduled castes in India to understand the point.


The pagan empires all might have worshipped the Jinns for power. It is for this reason humans were sacrificed. Here is a source.

Examples are:

·         Aztec

·         Inca

·         Maya


 It is not the kings liked it but it was for the jinns or false ‘gods’’ they worshipped. A thing to note is the excellent design of Pyramids with perfection and their similarity in design to Egyptian Pyramids. They reveal a level of similarity in pattern.

Here is a video of a Muslim cleric talking with possessed humans about the truth of the Gaza war. The real reason the Gaza war in Palestine is not stopping.


Pls join us in Patreon to read the final part on Jinns.

 The End of Part 2.



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