The History of Hong Kong and British connection


The History of Hong Kong

The History of Hong Kong starts in the Stone Age. The territory comes under the Chinese Empire under the Han dynasty. (206 BC to 200 CE). The name Hong Kong means Fragrant Harbour.

Hong Kong is known to the World for Bruce Lee and the British left it. Many might be feeling how Hong Kong will be after the British left. This is because mainland China has advanced a lot. It is no longer the notion of the 80’s All Chinese want to go and live there.

My introduction to Hong Kong was the cartoon I saw as a kid in the 80’s: Hong Kong Phooey.

The Chinese had Hong Kong for about 2000 years.

The First contact of the British with China

The first contact of the British with China was Lord MacCartney’s mission to China. So who was this ambassador? History can help us understand foreign policy at the present.

He was the statesman for an old Scottish-Irish family. That’s why you got a Mac or Mac. He studied in Trinity College and got his MA in 1759 CE. He proved himself by going to Russia and making an alliance with Catherine the Great.

All in the Family

King Philip, father of Present King Charles (Great Britain) is related to Catherine the Great of Russia.

In short how King Philip felt about his family in Russian Imperial:

"I would like to go to Russia very much, although the bastards murdered half my family,"

To read the details, since this is not the topic of this post.




 McCartney Mission

 The mission began in 1793 for a possible trade with China, whilst they came to India in the 1600s. The British always came for trade.  The Indians did not foresee but China withstood all attempts. Let's not dive further.

The goals of this mission:

·         Establishment of New ports in China

·         Establishment of a new Embassy in Peking (Beijing).

The British had made earlier unsuccessful attempts by John Newberry.


He was not the first European since Marco Polo had visited China centuries earlier. Ultimately McCartney met with his ‘gifts ’ or samples with the Chinese Emperor.

The Kowtow Problem

Kowtow’ is the Chinese system of bowing down before the Emperor and elders. McCartney did kowtow improperly but this was not the reason he was turned down by Emperor Qianlong. The Reply of the Emperor to King George is given in this article.













The Emperor writes a poem:

“Formerly Portugal presented tribute, now England is paying homage.

They have traveled further than Shu Hai and Heng-zhang ;

My ancestors’ virtue must have reached their distant lands.

Though their tribute is nothing special, my heart approves sincerely.

Curios and their ingenious devices I do not prize.

Though what they bring is meager, in my kindness to men from far away I make generous recompense -

Wanting to preserve my good health and power”

This sums up the Chinese Response to Europe and the West to this day. Indians might express joy in this victory since both China and India are in the East. The Easterners have some things in common: Respect for family, parents, traditions, and the almighty. A simple life with family and friends made with honest income. (that was traditionally). Details of the failure of the mission are in this article explained.

The Opium Wars

The imbalance of trade between the British and Chinese led Britain to export Opium to China causing addiction in Chinese society. Three wars were fought for it. The British wanted to sell drugs (in modern terms) to Chinese people.  The Imperial Chinese government resisted it and made a treaty in 1841.  That is ceding Hong Kong to the British along with fishing villages.

In this scene: The Government and the majority of people had the same religion and the same side. Unlike India, which had a Mughal Government and the majority of people were of different races and religions from the government. These loopholes were taken advantage of by the British. No wonder the British are so interested in writing about the history and sociology of a country.

Hong Kong stayed as part of the British Empire from 1841 to 1997.  A period of 156 years until China had two systems in one country.

The British showed it wanted to establish trade and then rule or rather it wanted to establish a system of “Enlightenment” with the world.

Every educated person wears similar clothes and has similar beliefs: Atheism or Semi Atheism.

India screaming Hindutva and Ram‘s Empire. In reality, they implement modified British Law. Why? The answer is not known. It is for the common public of India to ask. The only person from India who did not bow to Western Powers was Netaji Subash Chandra Bose and that is why the British still wanted him after the independence of India. Rested of the leaders reached a partial “Samjhota” or full understanding as well as implementation of the British Law.

Defeat is not only by battle or physical strength but real defeat is of culture and beliefs.


Modern Hong Kong

People around the world know Hong Kong for Bruce Lee, the martial arts legend who established a brand of the East in Hollywood.

People in Hong Kong (racially)

The people in Hong Kong are homogenous and are composed of the following races:

·         Chinese-92 %

·         Filipino-2.5 %

·         Indonesian-2.1%

·         White-10%

·         Indian subcontinent -11 %




Hong Kong is home to diverse cultures, races, and religions all living peacefully.  This post just goes into the history of how Hong Kong started. Sure there is much deeper to history but that is beyond the scope of this post. In the next post, we will discover modern Hong Kong, what to see, and where to go. Please follow our blog and Facebook blog. Currently, Hong Kong is part of China which popularized the martial art of Kung Fu. A diverse culture such as Hong Kong deserves to be visited and experienced. Recommended for tours and cultural travel.

Travel Advisor –Indica Travels.


 By Erin






















About Indica Collection

I like to cook delicious sorts of food.


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