Manarat Jeddah- Once one the best schools in MiddleEast


New Logo For Manarat Alumni

Manarat Jeddah logo

The idea for combining All of Manarat might seem a little strange but reality is that the original manarat is no longer there.

The original owners of Manarat Sold the school around 2003 to

Ma ari'f Education.

It is unfortunate  that a group having so many schools under its network does not have a proper 'About Us'.

The thing is they have so many students and they were not able to produce a proper About Us,which the main page of a website or company profile.

The theme for Manarat was having a quality Islamic theme Education for preparing students to compete in well known educational  and other professional organizations.

Man, we are from manarat and we did not care about any one 's wealth or position of his family.

It was like this some student in Manarat :For example

Well off student :"Hey you know my dad has 42 cars!"

Manarat Students :"Who cares!"

Actually this created an environment  we were all brothers(in Girls school sisters) no matter what was your background.

I again refer to Ms.Habiba Hamid's article:

Ms Habiba Hamid ,currently  deputy Editor in NewsWeek,UAE.

I have mailed her but she has not replied yet. I do not understand  e-mail etiquette in the Arab world.

I had e-mailed her but received no reply yet,been a month. Well yes very upset about not replying. I am more upset if she is from Manarat Jeddah Girls school and she has not replied. I guess she has valid reasons.

I had mailed  Manarat Jeddah school few times before creation of this Alumni site

They did not reply. Maybe they have a software or app for determination of person who e-mailed. If he is worth answering or not.!

I am being sarcastic.Lot of people do not understand word:'sarcasm' .  Thanks to Mr C M Morgan from England who taught us what it means to be sarcastic.

Since original Manarat is not there ,only our alumni network will remain as of the original Manarat.

So what we want to achieve with this alumni network.?

Currently in whatsApp Group we have :180 Manarat Jeddah boys Alumni .

In facebook around :200 members.

Our mission :

  • To unite Manarat Jeddah Boys English  Alumni of Original Manarat.
  • To unite Manarat Boys English from other Manarat Schools which were part of the original school.
  • To unite Manarat Jeddah Girls English of OM (Original Manarat)
  • To unite Manarat Jeddah Boys Arabic section(OM)
  • To unite Manarat Boys Arabic from all other Manarat Schools from OM School.
  • To unite Manarat Girls English of all OM (Original Manarat)
  • To unite Manarat Jeddah Girls Arabic of OM (Original Manarat)
  • To unite Manarat  Girls Arabic of OM (Original Manarat)
  • To unite Manarat FB groups members of OM.

The idea is girls contact information or profile  will be restricted to Manarat Girls .

What can you do now?

You can write posts .


Our Update:

I have able to contact a teacher of Manarat Riyadh :Mr Zulfikar Salim who is now in living in Lahore and running a school.

GEMS Education  is buying Maarif Education ,translating to :buying Manarat Schools in Saudi Arabia.

It is looking to invest :800 Million US $.


Manarat Jeddah

Facebook page:

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Domain: hosted. Technical and financial issues)

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About Indica Collection

I like to cook delicious sorts of food.


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