Turkey played a great deal in history. The Turks originally descended from Japeth or Yafith.
Yafith was a son of Prophet Nuh(Prophet Noah ).
From Yafith also are descended Gog and Magog .(Yajuj and Majuj).
The Turks ancestor was known as Turk and came from Central Asia ,Mongolia.
At one point they shared ancestor with the Mongolians . That is Genghis Khan and Ertugul at point had an ancestor.
The Turkish are proud of their nationality and race since times of Oghuz Khan. Their illustrious monotheistic ancestor from 2000 BC.
Several takes about him.
Ertugrul TV series is what created interests of Muslim world and others to Turkish Islamic history.
The Seljuks and Ottomans had same ancestor Oghuz Khan.
His grandson Kinik gave the Seljuk Dynasty and another Grandson gave Ottoman Empire which ruled for about 600 years.
Indica history and Mystery face book group inspiration for this post.Later on itravls.com
Or Indica Travels.
The Turks rules few centuries in India and one of the famous rulers of India was known as Shamsuddin Iltumish . Then succeeded him was Razia Sultana.
The show of unity ,compassion and family values in Islamic perspective has captivated the audience.
It showed the need for staying together and tribe systems.
Dirilis Ertugrul and Uyanis are popular historical TV drama series which are worth watching.
Turkey has given wonder ful carpets ,food and music .
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