Manu and Prophet Nuh(as)


                              Manu and Prophet Nuh(as)

    Close to South east Turkey, Borders of Iraq and Syria

In this post, we discuss similarities between Prophet Nuh(AS) and Sri Manu

The ark finally landed in Mount Judi, Turkey but is still not found.

The travels of Nuh(AS) are as follows if we trace it from Mesopotamia. That is Iraq.

·         Iraq

·         Turkey is close to Syria.

·         The essence of Message of Nuh(AS) :The Almighty is One.

Point one to be noted is near Syria.


There is a town called Thamanin’, the first town after the flood. It is called so since there were 80 people with Nuh(AS).  There are remains in Turkey of this town.


                      city of Thamanin'    src.

The Vedas are supposed to have originated in Syria. How? It is because one of the sons of Nuh(AS) came to India.(probable).



The Sanskrit language is to be originated in Syria according to Scroll. In. Britannica says about Mittani culture:

“Mitanni was one of several kingdoms and small states (another being Hurri) founded by the Indo-Iranians in Mesopotamia and Syria.”


The question is asked how Sanskrit has its origin in Syria. It's supposed to be Indian” The Aryans or Brahmin class are supposed to have originated somewhere in the Caucasus.  The Kurgans are somewhere in Russia and are supposed to be connected to Scythians or Saka.




The Dravidians are supposed to be the original people In India.


The BrahminY DNA-Point two

A study concluded that 83% of Brahmins in a data set have four major haplogroups.

·         2 from Central Asia

·         1 from Fertile Crescent. The region-Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and Jordan.  The region in Arabic is called Al Sham’ ’after son of Nuh(AS). He settled in this area.

·         1 Indian origin

One For example, some, if not most, of the purported (but in truth constructed) dissimilarities between Brahmins and Dalits can be traced to the migration of a population from the Caspian grasslands to Bactria, and then to India around 1,500 BC, according to two major studies published in 2019. study concluded:

Dalits –Point 3



The Brahmins still now have a sense of superiority over non-Dalits and a dislike for black-colored people. This is so huge that even Muslims from India feel the same about Dalits or low-caste Muslims.

This above nature is found with the leaders of disbelief amongst Prophet Nuh(AS)’ people.


The evidence in the Quran:

قَالُوا أَنُؤْمِنُ لَكَ وَاتَّبَعَكَ الْأَرْذَلُونَ



But the chiefs of the Unbelievers among his people (Noah’s people) said: "We see you nothing but a man like ourselves: Nor do we see that any follow you but the meanest among us, in judgment immature: Nor do we see in you (all) any merit above us: in fact, we think ye are liars!" [Quran, Surah Hud 11:27]

The term in Arabic is used for meanest “or lowest is called ardhalūn.  I thought Dalits' concept was just in India.

Point 4

The Quran (according to Mr. Kurshid Imam) has not used the term ardahlun for any other prophets’ people. One of the objections of unbelievers is that low-category people follow the Prophet. It is nothing different from today, where selected people are part of elite clubs. Islam believes in the concept of Open source…

Armenia is supposed to be associated with Nuh(AS). In the Bible, he is called Prophet Noah. The Bible (English) was translated from Latin to Greek from Aramaic. This language is similar to Hebrew and Arabic. (Semitic languages)

According to legend, Hayk is supposed to be the founder of Armenia. He was descended from Yafith (son of Prophet Nuh). The distance from Syria to Armenia is 842 km.

One thing to note is that the present translation of the Bible is after 3 conversions.  Aramaic is a Semitic language that loses much of its meaning upon conversion.

The book called Vetz Hazaria is supposed to have originated in 4000 BC., is from Armenia.  The Armenians had the Mitanni Culture



The kingdom of Mitanni was a feudal state led by a warrior nobility of “Armeno-Aryan” origin, who entered the region of Aram Nahrain/Nairi (Aram Nahabed’s time) on the Orontes south of Mukis and Niya and North of Aram during 1700 BC as vassals of the Hittites


Mitanni Culture was fond of horses and the first manual on horses was found with them.

Armenia to Lithuania is a distance of 2,290 km. This is going through Ukraine and Belarus. The language of Ukraine is similar to Sanskrit.  The journey was from Syria to Armenia to Ukraine to Lithuania. Some experts can claim it is false but this is our opinion.(writer)

The Lithuanian culture is similar to Sanskrit in many ways.

·         Devias’’ in Lithuanian language and Devas in Sanskrit meaning Gods.

·         The word for horse is derived from ‘ašva’ which is similar to Sanskrit for horse:ashva’



It is either in coming from Mesopotamia to India or Reverse. Indians like to think that it was from India that this info and knowledge went to ancient Iraq.

Another clue. Why?  It is because the people who came to India brought many concepts with them. The Hindu concept was not propagated but it got transmitted in India through the groups bringing Vedas.

Three thousand gods are similar to Mesopotamian idols according to an Indian blog.


There is a place called Ajodhya and is famous for many reasons.

Hindus consider it the birthplace of Sri Ram. There is nothing wrong with giving title as Sri which means Mr.

Now Muslims claim Ham was sent to this area of India. There is a grave of Ham, son of Nuh(AS) in Pakistan. This is another evidence.

The size of the tomb is about 78 feet long. The grave was found in in 1891 by Hafiz Sham-us-Din through a dream. Muslims believe in the dreams of other Muslims.

The Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says the following:

Allah's Messenger (may peace; be upon him) said: The vision of a Muslim which he sees or which is shown to him, and in the hadith transmitted on the authority of Ibn Alushir (the words are): "The pious dream is the forty-sixth part of Prophecy."

               Source: Book 29, Number 5628. Sahih Muslim

The man who dreamt was pious and 100 years ago people were more honest and would not fabricate, so we take it to be true.


This proves something-Ajodhya

The Hindus being so serious in their beliefs are not unfounded. Of course, there is truth to some claims of “Ram”. Muslims can say that a pious man, son of Nuh(as) was in this area. Now the Hindus can say Ram was a good man, virtuous and unjust. We Muslims do not have problems.


What was the message of Sri Ram?

According to Maulana Jargis :

Sri Ram advocated one Ness of the Creator. This is in tune with Vedas.

What does Rig Veda say?

Rig Vedas says there is One Lord of the Universe.

One God alone is to be worshipped by all people. He is Adorable.

-Rig Veda

The learned and the wise describe the One existing God in many forms of expressions


                                                          Rig Veda


The Quran says:

Allah has the Most Beautiful Names. So call upon Him by them, and keep away from those who abuse His Names. They will be punished for what they used to do.




Both messages of the Rig Vedas and the Quran are saying same. In Islam Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet out of the several prophets sent to Humanity since Prophet Adam.


One More thing to note:

The names of Almighty

Hindu scriptures

English Meaning






The Destroyer

Al Mumit


The Creator

Al Khaleq


Muslims when calling by any name or title refer to Allah. The One and Only. The Vedas says similar things.



Vedas on Monotheism:

"Say this, all one God in many names" (Rigveda, Book 1, Hymn 164, Verse 46)

"He is One only without a second."

"There is no likeness of Him."

[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]3

"They are entering darkness, those who worship the natural things (like air, water, fire etc.), they are sinking more in darkness who worship created things." (Yajurveda, Chapter 40, Verse 9)


Monotheism in Islam

1 Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,

2 Allah, the Eternal Refuge.

3 He neither begets nor is born,

4 Nor is there to Him any equivalent."

Surah Ikhlas-Al Quran


The question is why Prophet Nuh(As) went to India.

The fact is according to Islamic scholars, Prophet Adam(AS) came and landed in India. He was was 60 cubits tall and that translates to 98.4 feet. (src –Hadith).










There is a huge footprint in Sri Lanka, known as Adam’s peak.The height of the footprint is 5’’ 7 inches. The height of that person is found to be about 30 feet.  This is based on a person’s footprint is 15 percent of his height.  So the footprint cannot be attributed to Prophet Adam(As). But the Almighty knows best.    The height of tomb found in Pakistan is of height 59 feet. Every generation height of humans decreases.(According to Islamic sources



The first king of India


The first king of India according to Hindu religious scriptures is Manu. He established the Laws of Manu.

Coincidentally Prophet Nuh(AS) was a prophet to whom a  law was given. According to Islam about 124,000 prophets were sent to the world.



And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], "Worship Allāh and avoid ṭāghūt."1 And among them were those whom Allāh guided, and among them were those upon whom error was [deservedly] decreed. So proceed [i.e., travel] through the earth and observe how was the end of the deniers.

               Al Quran



There is a high possibility Nuh(AS) and Vaivasvata Manu was the same person.



“This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion”.} (5:3)



The previous scriptures were all corrupted (according to Islamic) and last religion for mankind is Islam.



























































About Indica Collection

I like to cook delicious sorts of food.


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